Does it payoff to be clever and creative or will you just confuse people?

We've all been there; you have a mountain of content you and your team must deliver, but your source materials are full of jargon and unnecessary fluff. What's worse is it's hard to determine where the hidden gems in your content reside – specifically, what you can scrap and what you need to keep. Your content team might have a wealth of content that can be repurposed at a fraction of the time and cost vs. when you start from scratch.

The truth is, there is never a shortage of organizational content – both good and bad. First, you must make sense of everything you have to fast-track the content creation process. Whether you call the process an exercise in creating derivative assets (from existing longer-form content) or compilations (based on more bite-sized assets), the outcome is the same; a set of assets that you align with your messaging and campaign themes and demand strategy.

Writing compelling content from your existing assets can be a great way to repurpose old material and breathe new life into them. However, there are a few things you need to do first to make sure you're ready to turn those hidden gems into content that sings.

Eight ways to supercharge your content machine without breaking the budget

  1. Start by identifying what your existing assets are. These could be old blog posts, videos, images, guides, e-books, presentations, etc. Once you have a clear idea of what you have to work with, you can start thinking about repurposing them into something new and interesting.
  2. Be honest about what makes your content unique and compelling. Is it the information you're presenting, how you present it, or how you combine different elements to create something new? Whatever it is, make sure to highlight that in your new content. On the other hand, if your content lacks the X factor you are looking for, your content strategy should include a plan to turn up the volume on bolder messaging.
  3. Work on a campaign theme and story arc to ensure your content is aligned and works well together. It's also important to make sure that you take into consideration your messaging and go-to-market strategies at this step. Nothing is worse than content that feels like you are throwing everything and the kitchen sink against the wall to see what will work.
  4. Map out your story arc before you start creating your derivative assets. This will ensure you prevent scope creep when spinning off new assets while delivering a clear message to your audience.
  5. Experiment with different formats. If you have an old blog post, you could turn it into a video, podcast, e-book compilation, or infographic, making the content more engaging and interesting for your audience.
  6. Use stats in the right places. Readers love stats, and they make great headlines. Using stats and figures also adds legitimacy and communicates you understand their business.
  7. Use your existing assets as a starting point, but feel free to add new information or insights to keep the content fresh and relevant, even if the asset is based on something you've already created.
  8. Finally, make sure to promote your new content. Share it on your social media channels, email it to your subscribers, and try to get it in front of as many people as possible.

By following these tips, you can create compelling content from your existing assets and keep your audience engaged and interested. Whether you're repurposing old material or creating something entirely new, the key is to make sure it's unique, interesting, and relevant to your audience.